Document Type : research articles


Emeritus Professor of Islamic Architecture and Civilization, Senior Fellow of the Netherlands Institute in Turkey (NIT)


This contribution discusses changes among the typical settlements of the Balkans during the 15th century when Ottomans ruled the region. The land was scattered with mountaintop castles of powerful feudal lords, large land-owning monasteries, and peasants living in feudal servitude. Towns with an urban structure, hosting a population living from crafts and trade, and a proper administration mushroomed all over the region. This change is studied through the example of the city Stolac (pronunciation: Stolats) in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It shows the alteration of the medieval settlements from a hamlet to an Ottoman town and Islamic cultural centre.
The study analyses historical and demographical data, in combination with the architectural heritage of Stolac, benefiting from rich archival material published by the author, fed by travellers’ description and fieldwork results. The case study of Stolac supports the discussion and related theories about the emergence of towns across the Balkans at the arrival of Ottomans.


Main Subjects


    1. Alexandre Popović, “Ridwân Begović Ali Pasha,” in: E.I. 2, VII (1995) pp. 519-521.
    2. Azra Gadžo-Kasumović, “Stolac u osmansko periodu,” in: Hercegovina, Časopis za kulturno i istorijsko naslijedje, 13-14, Mostar 2001, pp. 81-99.   
    3. Carl Patsch, Aus Herzegovinas letzter Feudalzeit, Vienna 1922.
    4. 4.   E.H.Ayverdi, Avrupa'da Osmanlı Mimârî Eserleri, Yugoslavya, II. Cild, 3. Kitab, Istanbul 1981.
    5. Evliya Çelebi, Seyahatnâme, VI, (Ikdam ed.).          
    6. Fahrudin Rizvanbegović, Begovina Stolac, Sarajevo (Ministery of Education, Science and Culture), Sarajevo 1999.
    7. Fehim Spaho, “Nekoliko novih podataka o Stocu iz XV i XVI stoljeća,” in: Prilozi  Or. Filol. 37, 1987, pp. 197-201.
    8. Fra M.N. Batinić, "Njekoliko priloga kam bosanskoj crkvenoj poviesti," in: Starine Jugoslovenska Akademija Znanosti i umjetnosti, XVII, Zagreb 1885, pp. 77 - 150. The original is: Codex 218 in the Archivio di Propaganda Fide, Rome, (from  p. 480 onward).
    9. H. Djurić, “Ali Paša-Stočanin, Hercegovački vezir,” in: Godišnjica Nikole Čupića XLVI, Beograd 1937, pp. 201 - 296.
    10. H. Šabanović, Evlija Čelebija Putopis, II, Sarajevo 1957.
    11. 11.              Hamdija Kapidžić, “Stolac u XVIII vijeku,” in: Gajret, Kalendar za godinu 1941, Sarajevo 1940, pp.126 -143. 
    12. Hamdija Kreševljaković, Kapetanije u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo (2 ed., 1980).
    13. Hauptmann Gustav Thoemmel, “Bescheibung des Vilayet Bosnien, which is Bosnia proper, alongside Turkish Croatia, the Hercegovina and Rascia, Vienna 1867,” pp. 131-132.                                    
    14. Hivzija Hasandedić, Muslimanska Baština u Istočnoj Hercegovini, Sarajevo, 1990.
    15. Ibn ül-Emin Mahmud Kemalİnal, Son Asır Türk Şairleri, I, Istanbul 1969.
    16. 16.              İslâm Ansiklopedisi (Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı), vol 17, İstanbul 1998, pp. 233-235 (for Arif Hikmet).
    17. Izet Rizvanbegović, “The results of former archaeological researches at the medieval fortress Vidoška Tvrdjava at Stolac.” in: Balcanoslavica VIII, Beograd 1979, pp. 77 - 92.
    18. Izet Rizvanbegović, “Vakufname i Vasijetnama Ali-Paše Rizvanbegovića Stočevića,” in: Prilozi Or. Fil, 52/53, Sarajevo 2005, pp. 295 - 328 (with a 17-page facsimile of the original Ottoman text).
    19. M.J. Dinić, "Zemlje hercega Sv. Save," in: Glas Srpske Kraljevske Akademije 182, pp. 182-184. Lamenta de foris mentions on 18 February 1444  “Vidoški Grad” (Vego, Naselja, p. 125). 
    20. MatoNjavro -SulejmanBalić, Herzegovina, Geschichte, Kultur, Naturschönheiten,  Zagreb 1985.
    21. Mehmed Mujezinović, Islamska Epigrafika Bosne i Hercegovine, III, Sarajevo 1982.
    22. O. Knezović, “Ali Paša Rizvanbegović-Stočević, hercegovački vezir 1832-1851,” in: Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeji XI, 2  Sarajevo 1928, pp. 11-53.
    23. Salih Trako – Lamija Hadžiosmanović, “Izbor Gazela iz Divana Arif Hikmet-Bega Rizvanbegovića-Stočevića,” in: Prilozi 52/53, 2004, pp. 329-338.
    24. Salih Trako en Lejla Gazić, “Dvije Mostarske Medžmue,” in: Prilozi Or. Fil.  38, 1988, pp. 97-124. The original is:  R. 4287 in the Orientalni Institut in Sarajevo. During the Serbian bombardment of 1992 many manuscripts were stored in an iron case.  R.4287 sat in the middle of the case. As a result of the great heath the edges of our manuscript turned black but the core of the book survived in good shape as I could see my self in Juli 2001.
    25. TorstenKolind, “Non-Ethnic Condemnation in Post-War Stolac. An Ethnographic Case-Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina,” in: Sanimir Resić and Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (eds), The Balkan in Focus, Lund - Riga 2002, pp. 121-134.