Ptolemaic and Roman Vessels of Scented Oil from Kiman Faris – Krokodilopolis

Document Type : research articles


Greek and Roman Archaeology Department- Faculty of Archaeology- Fayoum University - El-Fayoum - Egypt.


Small pottery vessels of scented oil were discovered during salvage excavations held between 1960 and 2005 at Kiman Faris (Medinet El-Fayoum) led by the Inspectorate of Antiquities of Fayoum. This study aims to identify the differences between these vessels and compare them to similar examples from Egyptian sites and abroad. The majority of them are made of Egyptian fabrics, with both alluvial and marl clays. These vessels reflect the Greek influence on culture and technology, through perfumes and cosmetics during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods.


Main Subjects

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