An Unpublished Stela of Hornakht from the Late Ramesside Period (GEM-2353).

Document Type : research articles


1 Egyptology Department, Faculty of Archaeology, Aswan University, Egypt

2 Head of The New Kingdom Artifacts. Grand Egyptian Museum


This paper presents a full publication of one of the unpublished stelae from Abydos unearthed by A. Mariette, which was recently conserved in the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM 2353). It has been dated to the New Kingdom by A. Mariette and later to the Libyan period by A. Leahy, neither of whom produced a full publication. This article introduces a stylistic, orthographic, and paleographic study of the stela, as well as offering forms, names, and epithets that permit an approximate dating to the late Ramasside period.


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