The False Door of Shendua from Saqqara

Document Type : research articles


Egyptology Dept., Faculty of Archaeology, Damietta Univ., Egypt.


This article examines the Old Kingdom false door of Shendua discovered in a family tomb at Saqqara. The false door is described architecturally and the texts and scenes are explained. The commentary pays attention to the name, epithets, titles, Htp di nswt formula, prt-xrw formula, xA offering list, and the figures of the deceased. The place of discovery, titles and epithets of the tomb owner, Htp di nswt formula, prt-xrw formula, architectural features, and the decoration of the false door were used  as methods  for dating this artifact. In all, twenty-one features for dating are presented. The false door includes a new name and a new style of kilt for individuals, not attested before in the Old Kingdom. Through this analysis it was established when Shendua was born, lived and died, and why he built his tomb in the cemetery of Unas.
