Teamwork in the Production of the Book of the Dead Papyri during the Ptolemaic Period: the papyrus of Peteamunnebnesetawy (p.Turin 1831)

Document Type : research articles



P. Turin 1831 is a Book of the Dead manuscript from the Ptolemaic period belonging to Peteamunnebnesetawy, a god's father and priest of Amun in Karnak, son of Tanitamunnebnesetawy. The papyrus is now in the Egyptian Museum in Turin as part of the Department of Manuscripts. It was transferred to the Egyptian Museum at Turin in 1824 by Bernardino Drovetti.
The papyrus is an important example of teamwork in the production of the Book of the Dead papyri during the Ptolemaic Period, which was written by several scribes. It highlights various features of the Book of the Dead from this period. The manuscript offers numerous opportunities to detect changes in handwriting and layout according to each scribe. The current article will study the layout, the structure and composition of signs, orthography, and handwriting analysis of the scribes to determine the number of scribes involved in creating these texts.


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