This article examines an unpublished stela (JE 99109) discovered in 1985 in the Serapeum area of northern Saqqara. It is a round-topped limestone stela, measuring 20 cm high, 15 cm wide, and 2.5 cm deep. The stela is divided into three registers. The top register features a winged sun disc with a couple of cobras on either side, accompanied by the title of BHdt under every wing of the sun disc. The middle register showcases a colourful votive scene of Ahmose-Mery-Netier in front of @p anx (Apis) with his titles displayed above and behind him. The bottom register of the stela contains a hieroglyphic votive text.
Despite severe damage to its sides, the stela is in good condition overall, with figures and text clearly arranged. Based on its stylistic characteristics (palaeographical, orthographical, and pictorial features), the stela dates to the 25th-26th Dynasties, while potential genealogical ties it to a known individual propose the 26th Dynasty.
The author presents a full publication of the scenes and the accompanying texts to contribute new insights into the collection of the votive stelae coming from Saqqara. Similar stelae have been addressed in prior scholarship, yet this one remained without studying, leaving a notable gap in the literature. In addition to offering a more in-depth analytical viewpoint on the stela’s stylistic and literary elements. This paper will be of interest for scholars focused on religious practices and the pivotal role of Apis’ worship in Saqqara during the Late Period.
Mahmoud, H. (2025). An Unpublished Funerary Votive Stela of Ahmose-Mery-Netier 'JE 99109' in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.. Shedet, 14(14), 45-67. doi: 10.21608/shedet.2024.316133.1267
Heba Maher Mahmoud. "An Unpublished Funerary Votive Stela of Ahmose-Mery-Netier 'JE 99109' in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.", Shedet, 14, 14, 2025, 45-67. doi: 10.21608/shedet.2024.316133.1267
Mahmoud, H. (2025). 'An Unpublished Funerary Votive Stela of Ahmose-Mery-Netier 'JE 99109' in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.', Shedet, 14(14), pp. 45-67. doi: 10.21608/shedet.2024.316133.1267
Mahmoud, H. An Unpublished Funerary Votive Stela of Ahmose-Mery-Netier 'JE 99109' in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.. Shedet, 2025; 14(14): 45-67. doi: 10.21608/shedet.2024.316133.1267