Unpublished Funerary Stela of pA-sn-n-xnsw in The Egyptian Museum (JE 99182 – SR 5/14988)

Document Type : research articles


1 Tourism guidance, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University

2 a College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sharjah; College of Art, Sciences, Information Technology & Communication, University of Kalba; Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.


This paper aims to investigate and study an unpublished stela of pA-sn-n-xnsw dating back to the reign of King Psamtik I of the Saite Period Twenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt (664–610 BC)(Shaw, 2003, p. 365). The stela is currently housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo with No. (JE 99182 – SR 5/14988), after a long journey outside of Egypt to Europe and America. Unfortunately, nothing is mentioned about its specific provenance in the archives of the Egyptian Museum. However, based on the confessions of those involved in smuggling the stela out of Egypt, as documented in official records by the police and the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the painting was initially transported from the city of Akhmim. This round-topped funerary stela is made of limestone and measures 131 cm in height, 56.5 cm in width with a thickness of 13 cm. It is divided into four registers of scenes and inscriptions separated by a thin sunken frame. According to a descriptive, analytical, and comparative method, the current research addresses the stela artistically, linguistically and analytically.


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