This paper aims to re-edit the two papyri P. Philadelphia V and VI which were early published by (Reich 1937); unfortunately, Reich died before completing his work. Afterwards, (El-Amir 1959), worked on it. There are some words, titles, and proper names that need a fresh reading according to what is now widely accepted by demotists, this will be presented in the table below. Some useful corrections also were made by ( (Muhs, Vleeming and Den Brinker 2005). Although the archive comprises of 32 papyri, this paper sheds light only on papyri P. Philadelphia V and VI since they relate to each other, one being a sale contract and the other being the corresponding cession deed, both from the year 4 of Ptolemy I. They are now kept at the Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Museum. The sale in the first papyri P. Philadelphia V was made by +d-Hr son of Pa-@r but it would seem that he had died before completing the transaction to Pa-rv son of Pa-nfr (the second party on both papyri) and that the transaction was done by &a-mn- daughter of @H the wife of +d-Hr son of Pa-@r after his death
Abdellatif, H. (2025). ‘When my husband Died’: The Story of P. Philadelphia V and VI Sale and Cession Demotic deeds.. Shedet, 14(14), 112-124. doi: 10.21608/shedet.2024.307414.1262
Hasnaa Mohammed Abdellatif. "‘When my husband Died’: The Story of P. Philadelphia V and VI Sale and Cession Demotic deeds.", Shedet, 14, 14, 2025, 112-124. doi: 10.21608/shedet.2024.307414.1262
Abdellatif, H. (2025). '‘When my husband Died’: The Story of P. Philadelphia V and VI Sale and Cession Demotic deeds.', Shedet, 14(14), pp. 112-124. doi: 10.21608/shedet.2024.307414.1262
Abdellatif, H. ‘When my husband Died’: The Story of P. Philadelphia V and VI Sale and Cession Demotic deeds.. Shedet, 2025; 14(14): 112-124. doi: 10.21608/shedet.2024.307414.1262