A Voice from the Past: Analyzing a Meroitic Cursive Inscription from the Temple of Amun M.260.

Document Type : research articles


Faculty of African Postgraduate Studies , Cairo University


Emerging from the sands of Meroe, a sandstone block carries whispers in the forgotten language of Meroitic cursive. Unearthed by John Garstang in 1909-1910, this inscribed relic, with intricate lines weathered by time, provides a glimpse into this ancient civilization. This study focuses on meticulously deciphering the Meroitic inscription on the block, by studying the text and analyzing its language and stylistic nuances, comparative analysis with other Meroitic texts to identify recurring symbols and phrases. The study aims to unlock the hidden meaning within its grooves. This endeavor goes beyond mere translation, aiming to shed light on the inscription's historical context, its potential connection to the Temple of Amun M.260, and its insights into Meroitic society, beliefs, and daily life. Through this thorough examination, I aspire to resurrect the voice of a long-silent inscription to revive a fragment of the past, offering new perspectives on the enigmatic and rich heritage of the Kingdom of Meroe.


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