Suggestion Plan of launch and operating for first Children's Museum in Samarkand "Center of Creation and Invention"

Document Type : research articles


Administration of Museums and Archaological sites, Archaeology Faculty, Ain Shams University,


This research paper proposes the establishment of first Children's Museum in Samarkand, marking a significant milestone in Uzbekistan's museum landscape. Drawing from the city's rich historical and geographical tapestry, the museum aims to provide an educational and exploratory space for children, blending tradition with modernity. The study methodology comprises three key components:
- Theoretical framework: Grounding the concept of the Children's Museum serves as a foundational aspect of the research, introducing a novel proposition to the museum community in Samarkand.
- Statistical analysis: A comprehensive assessment of the local community's needs through field surveys involving students, teachers, and researchers provides insights into the demand for a children's museum in Samarkand.
- Practical proposal: The research presents a detailed plan for the museum's vision, mission, and operational framework, including site selection and building design.
By addressing the gap in existing literature, this research contributes to the field by offering a holistic approach to establishing, constructing, and operating a children's museum in Samarkand.


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