Three Incomplete Limestone Stelae from Ihnasya el-Medina (Herakleopolis Magna)

Document Type : research articles


Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Egypt


This article deals with publication of three unpublished incomplete limestone stelae from Ihnasya El-Medina necropolis. The first stela was found in 2010, during work digging for a water-pipe project at the depth of five meters underground in front of El-Masharka district. The second and the third stelae were found by some thieves in the region of Ihnasya city. The police officers found two stelae and filed the report under the misdemeanor number 4083/Ihnasya 2009. These stelae were dedicated to the gods Osiris and Anubis; and are now preserved in Ihnasya El-Medina Magazine. Publishing these three stelae in one article due to that they are from one area, and it seems that they have the same type.


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