Document Type : research articles


Islamic Archaeology Dep., Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Egypt


Cup holders (Aẓruf) were important utensils used for coffee in Egypt and other parts of the Islamic world especially during the 13th (AH) / 19th (AD) century. This paper aims to study seven brass cup holders (aẓruf) from Al-Ashmunein storehouse in Mallawi town - Minia governorate - Egypt. These cup holders were not previously published; this is the first time they will be studied and published. This study includes a discussion of the term (ẓarf) and an explanation of the relationship between this term generally used in the past and the term (ẓarf), which means a cup holder. This study highlights design, motifs, and some functional and aesthetic values of these cup holders. Through some archaeological, historical and cultural evidence, this study will date these cup holders (aẓruf) and determine their provenance.


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