This article documents and analyzes the 19th century historic mosque of Hilal Bey mosque in al-Daqahlia, within the Egyptian Delta. It was built according to the Egyptian provincial ‘local’ pattern that prevailed in Egypt during the 19th century onwards. The founder is Hilal Bey, a member of the Majlis Shura al-nuwāb at the time of Khedive Isma'il. The mosque was built, according to the existed foundation inscription in 1270 A.H. (1853). It is located in the village of Kūm Al-nūr, which belongs to the Mīt Ghamr city at the province of al-Daqahlia, northern Egypt. The plan of the mosque forms a rectangular prayer hall without courtyard. The prayer hall consists of three aisles ‘riwaqs’ divided by two arcades with pointed arches. The aisles are paralleled to the qibla wall; the middle one is wider. The ceiling of the mosque is wooden. The mosque has some annexes in its southeastern part, including an oratory, an ablution fountain, and toilets. This article aims to highlight the historic and architectural significance of this mosque, by its comparison with other contemporary related mosques. It concludes with a recommendation to protect and to invest it as well.
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METWALLEY, M. H. (2018). HILAL BEY MOSQUE IN KŪM AL-NŪR, DAQAHLIA (EGYPT): A HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL STUDY. Shedet, 5(5), 177-210. doi: 10.21608/shedet.005.13
Mohamed H. METWALLEY. "HILAL BEY MOSQUE IN KŪM AL-NŪR, DAQAHLIA (EGYPT): A HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL STUDY". Shedet, 5, 5, 2018, 177-210. doi: 10.21608/shedet.005.13
METWALLEY, M. H. (2018). 'HILAL BEY MOSQUE IN KŪM AL-NŪR, DAQAHLIA (EGYPT): A HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL STUDY', Shedet, 5(5), pp. 177-210. doi: 10.21608/shedet.005.13
METWALLEY, M. H. HILAL BEY MOSQUE IN KŪM AL-NŪR, DAQAHLIA (EGYPT): A HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL STUDY. Shedet, 2018; 5(5): 177-210. doi: 10.21608/shedet.005.13