Two blocks from the excavations of Cairo University in Heliopolis kept at the museum of the Faculty of Archeology, Cairo University

Document Type : research articles


Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Egypt


This article publishes two blocks from Heliopolis, discovered during the Faculty of Archaeology's excavations at the ancient Egyptian city of Ounû to the northeast of Cairo, The area is currently known as Tell el-Hisn or Arab el-Hisn. The two blocks are stored at the Museum of the Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University.
1. The Block of Ramesses II: A rectangular block with a finely engraved scene depicts a figure of the Nile-god Hapy in a kneeling posture, lifting on his hands a flat offering-table presenting to the cartouche of Ramesses II. On his head, there is a symbol of an unknown district. The offering table is laden with a heap of offerings consisting of bread, birds of the marshes, and papyrus plants. The block has three registers of hieroglyphic texts.
2. The Block of Ramesses V: A rectangular block depicts a scene of a destroyed figure of the king Ramesses V crowned with the blue diadem and uraeus, kneeling and doing fumigation and libation before a seated baboon, the sacred-figure of the god Thot. The latter, is represented in the form of a seated baboon wearing the necklace of Ma'at with a headdress, consisting of the lunar disk on top of a crescent moon. The scene is accompanied with three cartouches and a short hieroglyphic texts.


Main Subjects

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